Thursday, March 4, 2010

Facebook Thing!

I have a facebook page along with so many.  I love facebook, I post two to three times a day on how my day is going or what I may be thinking.  Why?  Because I love talking to my close friends and family about my day.  I have so many family that is stretched all over the US and I love talking with each of them about how life is going.  I feel it keeps us connected.  Even if I post how I can't stand something, there is always someone out their that helps me change that.  I DO NOT use facebook to get attention, as that statement has been made before, not about me but about people posting on FB.  I just love it!  I am not addicted to it, as some people may be.  I think that an addiction takes away from your responsibilities and that it does not do for me.  I am taking a break from posting status updates on FB, just because there is so much drama over the little things.  Some times I ask myself why did I post that Kelley is gone for the day?  Who cares?  but I don't like it when he isn't around, makes me kinda sad.  So I post about my feelings, then someone will post something like enjoy it momma, take the day and do something for you!  That is why I post, because my friends and family always make me see the brighter side of the smallest things that I think are big things!  I don't know if everyone has a person or even a couple of people on their friend list that they really just don't click with, but I do and I take whatever they say oh so wrong.  Why?  Because there is no emotion showing behind these letters we write.  So I am going to try to not post updates.  I will post on those I care about post.  I was telling my sister all of this last night and she said "We need to make a FamilyBook!"  A facebook, but only family can be a friend.  Wouldn't that be awesome!!  I have no clue on how to make such a thing, but that would be great!  We all could post things and hopefully we know each other good enough to get what they are saying.  I think FB's problem is just that we all accept people as friends that we really will never see again in life, but we like talking to them.  Like old friends from school... We may never see them again and probably will never have a relationship with them again, but we add them, because we don't want to look bad for not accepting them.  These friends make me so upset, because you accept them but then you never see any post from them until you say something they don't like and then they become the center of drama.  Then you may have someone you see weekly, and they post things that throw knifes at people with their so called encouraging words.  I post encouraging words and get so many comments on them, but then I read some others and think how dare you... Then I ask myself is that what mine sound like.. LOL  FB can just have yourself asking so many questions or it does for me anyways.  It all comes from we say what we are thinking and feeling and the other person reading is feeling something oh so different.  There is over 100 different emotions people have, even though you are having one, doesn't mean everyone is having the same one on the same subject!

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