Monday, February 27, 2012


Click to hear: Steven Curtis Chapman-Do Everything (song) 

Luke 5:16 “..but Jesus often slipped away to be alone so he could pray.”

 When Jesus was in the desert for 40 days, He ate nothing... he was hungry, and tempted by the Devil.  The Devil said "tell this stone to become bread." Jesus said "Man can not live on bread alone." The Devil said "If you worship me you can become the King of all Kingdoms." The Devil tested Jesus asking Him "If you are the son of God..." Jesus knew to not test God.  He knew the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him!  Jesus went on his way and was rejected in Nazareth.  He went on spoke a evil spirit out of a man. He healed many people. He preached the good news! He made disciples out of Simon and his partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. Jesus said to Simon, after he had listened to him about how and where to fish,  "Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching people." Jesus went on and healed another man of a skin disease. He wanted no glory for it.  He told the man "Don't tell anyone, but go get examined and show everyone".  Jesus did what next?? He did not stand on a hill side, showing his gratefulness as everyone started gathering to see this healer.  He left and went somewhere ALONE to pray!!

Today I am HOME ALONE!! Last week I thought YES!!! I can get things done, with Kelley at work and the girls off to school!! Well I have spent two hours, just me and God!! And the cats and dog of course!! I realized, I AM NEVER ALONE!! And I am so happy for that!!  People say that all the time, I have heard it all my life.  When I want ALONE time, I get it and.... I am wrapped up in His word to much to want to do anything!! :)  God has called me to be a Wife and a Mother.. That was my dream from when I was a child! I wanted to be married and have two kids.. well guess what?? To no surprise that is what He gave me!  I also wanted to live on a farm.. have cows in my back yard, little picked fenced porch,  a garden, trees everywhere..  (Still could happen, we have no strings tying us down to anything material, God has shown us that He is in control!)  What would I do if I did not have God during my ALONE times?  I would be a mess in stress, such as "No one helps me keep this house clean, why do I always have to do laundry, why can't someone else cook, why O' why????"  I have complained A LOT about those stupid little things before in the past. But this morning, my eyes have been opened to, if I do not start the day off with my ALONE time in prayer, I will ask WHY O' WHY all the time.. How miserable is that?  Very!! I am to do EVERYTHING I do unto the GLORY of the Lord!!

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans.
This is mine!!! Get your own.. haha!! This scripture hit me hard this morning!! 

Jesus did good things and still does, how?  I don't think that it was just because he was the chosen one, it was because we are all created in Him.. Jesus was faithful and He spent His time in prayer and wanted God to be glorified! WE can all do good things!!!

  Matthew 14:13-14
“When Jesus heard what had happened to John, he left in a boat and went to a lonely place by himself. But the crowds heard about it and followed him on foot from the towns. When he arrived, he saw a great crowd waiting. He felt sorry for them and healed those who were sick.” 

Each morning the girls and I pray in the car before school.  I love it!  That is one of my very favorite times of my day!  This morning after I dropped them off, all of this hit me.. Nothing like driving home and getting hit in the face over and over.. I was able to stay focused on the road, but do not remember any driving!! :)  I must tell our girls how important it is to start each day with this.. I want it to become a habit for them, with them never over looking it.  I want to show them how Jesus always prayed.. How important for us all to have our ALONE time to do such a thing.  My Momma always prayed.. We were taught to pray.. Praise him and ask for forgiveness! Always!!  Still as adults, we have a praise or trouble we call Momma!!  I want my girls to live that! To know that whatever comes their way in life, that the Spirit of the Lord is upon them, always!!! To be faithful enough to know temptation and to never test God! To always "walk by faith, and not by site!" And to always, always give Him the Glory!!

So I can thank Him this morning for my so called ALONE time as He called me closer to Him! I am never ALONE, this I know!! He loves me for always!  I was made to be a wife and a momma!  Any time before that is with Him!!  Love you!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BLOOM and grow!

Lord of all the earth
We shout Your Name, shout Your Name
Filling up the skies
With endless praise, endless praise
Yahweh, Yahweh
We love to shout Your Name, Oh Lord

There is no one like our God
We will praise You, praise You
There's no one like our God
We will sing, we will sing (X2)
There is no one like our God
We will praise You, praise You
Jesus, You are God, we will say

 Psalms 149:3
 3 Praise his name with dancing;
      play drums and harps in praise of him.
Music is just a gift and the most spiritual drawing thing to me.  Just the other day I heard a song on the radio and it put me right back into the place I was when the song was a hit.  I had the same feelings come back to me when I heard it, as the day I use to listen to it.  When I hear Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me", it takes me back to singing into a hair brush with my Momma at 15 years old! :) The Dixie Chicks? When Kelley and I first started dating! "The Old Rugged Cross", singing in Church as a little girl! 

Music is one of God's special gifts He gives! This morning I heard "At Your Name", tears feel as it took me back to one, being back in Texas worshiping with our Church family at Trinity Fellowship and two, it took me back to the day we pulled out of Pampa, moving to Oklahoma.  Chelsea and I were following the U haul, so for miles all we seen was RENT ME $29.99 (yeah, right)! This song came on and I started crying so heavy, Chelsea kept asking me if I was ok.  I kept telling her yes, God is just so darn awesome, but the tears kept flowing.. And she could feel the joy and tears started flowing down her face, as we both just screamed YAHWEH, YAHWEH!  We had been in prayer for this move for the past 8 months, with the dream for the past couple of years and it was happening, not knowing where we were really going, what we were going to do, just following what God had opened up, and this song said it all! There is no one like our God We will praise You! With endless praise, endless praise Yahweh, Yahweh We love to shout Your Name, Oh Lord! God was doing it!  It was out of our hands and we were on the road!  We gave the dream of moving to God months before, like in February 2011 when we found out Kelley could possible lose his job in July.  So onto the next step in life where God wanted us to go. 

I went on a Walk to Emmaus in 2005 and parts of one of the songs of blessings read this:
Thank you God, for this day,
Bless all those who greet it.
May your love glow with peace,
May your love go forth from us.

Friendship and peace may they bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever.
Bless our friends, bless our work
Bless each of us forever. 

This song takes me back to swaying back and forth and yelling BLOOM!! :)  

Today the sun is shinning, I just heard a goose coming from behind my house, I am ready to plant new flowers, I put weed and feed out on the lawn last night!! This reminds me to BLOOM AND GROW! Bloom where I am planted!  

1 Corinthians 3:7
 7 The one who plants and the one who waters really do not matter. It is God who matters, because he makes the plant grow.

  Just like this picture of this Rose Moss, that I am planting today by the way..  It is called Grandma's flower to me!  My grandma always had a big barrel filled with rose moss at her door.  I make sure and have some each year!  This seed planted it's self in a bed of bricks!! But God knows it's beauty and made it to grow! That is what He intended to do with this flower, make it grow anywhere, just like He did us!  This morning I pray God lets my light shine, so I can BLOOM AND GROW! I give Him praise for His gift of music to speak to my soul on a daily bases! 

"Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me."   Psalm 51:10

  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.