Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break!

Well, it is Spring Break!  I don't have much work this week so the girls and I are going to get to enjoy some time with each other!  I am happy about that if we can nip the fighting in the rear today!! :)  I don't know if you all know this, but I love pictures.  I feel like a hoarder when it comes to pictures because I have so many and they are the most valuable thing I have!  I was looking at them this morning and seeing that my little girls are growing so much.  Chelsea is almost a lady!! :(  So I am going to try to be June Cleaver this week and make this week a special week for them.. I still don't know what to do, but a time spent with a kid is a special time so whatever we do I know it will be fun for them!  It has rained all night so it is really muddy out, so I am not able to go to work because I work in the country on dirt road this morning.. So I will just have to work this afternoon and all day tomorrow then I am all theirs!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


In the past two months I have had these dreams, that wake Kelley and he has been having to wake me from them.  I had another last night, but it wasn't scary just strange.  Four of my dreams have been about children.  One of my own two children, one of a woman who felt like my daughter, and two dreams have had this little boy in them.  My past dreams have been pretty scary and have made me scared to go to sleep the next night.  I can not understand why I am having these dreams.  They are very dark and of things that I never think about. So why does my subconscious mind think about this stuff.  Last night I had my mom and two friends pray for me, so that I could sleep.  And I did!  I slept pretty good!  The dream I had last night was about the little boy, who I dreamed about the night before.  This time he wasn't scary and he said to me "I have always loved you".  My head is spinning this morning trying to make since of all of this.  I went from not dreaming very often to dreaming all the time.  I did wake up this morning feeling happy!  This dream had friends I know today and a friend from my past.  Could God be telling me something through this little boy or am I just making that up?  Who knows?  I am happy I didn't wake Kelley up last night, since he is sick, and I hope that I never do again.  God is holding me!  I speak against these dreams of mine, they are not acceptable and I hate them.  They are not wanted in my mind any more!  I am a child of God and know where my heart is.  I am walking in his hands, where I need to be, he can take this from me!  So if you read this just say a prayer for me!  Thanks!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Facebook Thing!

I have a facebook page along with so many.  I love facebook, I post two to three times a day on how my day is going or what I may be thinking.  Why?  Because I love talking to my close friends and family about my day.  I have so many family that is stretched all over the US and I love talking with each of them about how life is going.  I feel it keeps us connected.  Even if I post how I can't stand something, there is always someone out their that helps me change that.  I DO NOT use facebook to get attention, as that statement has been made before, not about me but about people posting on FB.  I just love it!  I am not addicted to it, as some people may be.  I think that an addiction takes away from your responsibilities and that it does not do for me.  I am taking a break from posting status updates on FB, just because there is so much drama over the little things.  Some times I ask myself why did I post that Kelley is gone for the day?  Who cares?  but I don't like it when he isn't around, makes me kinda sad.  So I post about my feelings, then someone will post something like enjoy it momma, take the day and do something for you!  That is why I post, because my friends and family always make me see the brighter side of the smallest things that I think are big things!  I don't know if everyone has a person or even a couple of people on their friend list that they really just don't click with, but I do and I take whatever they say oh so wrong.  Why?  Because there is no emotion showing behind these letters we write.  So I am going to try to not post updates.  I will post on those I care about post.  I was telling my sister all of this last night and she said "We need to make a FamilyBook!"  A facebook, but only family can be a friend.  Wouldn't that be awesome!!  I have no clue on how to make such a thing, but that would be great!  We all could post things and hopefully we know each other good enough to get what they are saying.  I think FB's problem is just that we all accept people as friends that we really will never see again in life, but we like talking to them.  Like old friends from school... We may never see them again and probably will never have a relationship with them again, but we add them, because we don't want to look bad for not accepting them.  These friends make me so upset, because you accept them but then you never see any post from them until you say something they don't like and then they become the center of drama.  Then you may have someone you see weekly, and they post things that throw knifes at people with their so called encouraging words.  I post encouraging words and get so many comments on them, but then I read some others and think how dare you... Then I ask myself is that what mine sound like.. LOL  FB can just have yourself asking so many questions or it does for me anyways.  It all comes from we say what we are thinking and feeling and the other person reading is feeling something oh so different.  There is over 100 different emotions people have, even though you are having one, doesn't mean everyone is having the same one on the same subject!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The morning is here.

Well as I said before that mornings are pretty hard for us.  This morning I woke up and thought that I was going to change it.. So I ran crazy from one room to the next singing "Rise and Shine".  Thinking that they would wake up in a good mood.  WRONG :(  After 15 minutes of telling KJ to get up she finally got up and got dressed.  But then I told her it was time to do her hair and she flipped out because she said her hair was fixed.. (the pony tail from yesterday wasn't what I had in mind).  so instead of being one of those moms who say OK if you feel good looking like that going to school, then you look great. I had a melt down, because she got so upset that I made her come to the bathroom to fix her hair.  I don't know how to fix the morning times???  Everyone knows that when they see a kid looking like they just got up from bed and ran that they think "man I can't believe there momma don't take care of them."  so how do I pick my battles?  I love my kids so much and want the best for them in life.  I feel like a mom that takes care of their kids make great people in the world.  But where do I draw the line as to say Ok you are your own person, even if you are 7 years old!  The girls were late to school today for the first time in years, all because of my melt down. In my mind I have the right answers to things, but when it comes down to it I can't fix it.. Drives me crazy...  My heart is hurting this morning.  What did I learn today?? Well I learned that I am in charge... And ever how the day happens it is because of me.  So I am going to do my study this morning and refresh my mind! 

Monday, March 1, 2010

A mother of a child with ADHD

Bringing my baby home completed our family as 4, seven years ago!  I had it all!  I was so excited to watch Chels and KJ grow up together and be best friends forever!  Once KJ started walking the game was on!  She soon learned she could climb.  After the first 4 years of trying to figure out this little bundle of joy, we felt that there my be something more to her that we wasn't sure how to handle.  "She is just a strong willed child." Some would say.  But after her first year of school we found out that maybe there was something even more.  Not good parents.. yep had that one told to us too!  So for two years we tried everything to help correct her behavior.  Still nothing.. nope nada!! We held her back in first grade because she was the youngest of the class and we wanted to get her tested to see if we were really bad parents or if there was something wrong with our little KJ, that we could help fix!  First week of first grade for the second time we did find out she had ADHD.  You think that I would of been happy, to know that I wasn't a bad parent after all.. Nope I set in that DR's office and cried like a baby, because for 6 years she has had this and I looked back at all the different kinds of punishments we tried and none of that mattered.  And to think about being in her little head for that long and her not even understanding crushed me. So where are we today?? Well, we are trying to re-learn punishments, (momma, daddy, and KJ)  Because we have tried so many different ones before, so we are all re-learning what works best for KJ.  Mornings are our hardest times, throughout the day.  But this, we will learn how to fix!  We are working on the girls fighting.. which I know every sister does, but it isn't acceptable and it needs to be toned down. So I will be blogging about our road with ADHD a lot as this is a part of our lives.  I have a close friends who's son was diagnosed the same month, as KJ, who is a year younger, and so it has been so nice to share momma talk back and forth with her!

I have decided to start a blog to just help remember life as it happens so fast! Kelley and I have been married for 10 years and God is taking us for a walk we just can't forget! We have two little girls, Chels is 10 and KJ is 7. Just seems like yesterday we were teaching Chels how to walk. Both the Dewey family and the Aylor family has grown so much in 10 years. I turn 30 in April and I think that I am just now realizing how fast my kids are growing up. So I am going to try to keep up with this blog and since I am not good at keeping a handwritten journal. I always have so much to say and to tell so this should be fun!